Hemp Production
Hemp is a term to describe a varietal of cannabis that contain 0.3% or less THC by dry weight. Hemp has an intensive history of use in the world, from prohibition to legalization. Hemp is available for a variety of reasons and uses: building materials (hempcrete), textiles, livestock, bedding, sustenance, beauty, health and wellness.
Premium Conditions
We cultivate a rich product with healthy soil, clean water and organic feed with the best nutrient protocols on the market. Southern Oregon has perfect summer growing conditions with natural sunlight and a state-of-the art irrigation system that removes impurities.
Strain-Seed Curation
We select strains for a superior user experience with high CBD levels, cannabinoid, flavor and terpene profiles for the most aromatic flowers. All CBD, cannabinoid and terpene profiles will be presented in testing before purchase. We ensure a low (0.3% or less) THC presence. We are experienced growers who choose superior seed genetics to cultivate premium hemp flower.
Cut, Dried & Cured
Experienced farmers harvest when the trichomes are full with cannabinoids and terpenes. The dry-cure process require the knowledge of our expert farmers to gain the flavor, fragrance, and effects necessary for a premium product. We dry our product slowly to optimal moisture level with controlled humidity to achieve peak potency and quality.